Lesson XI

Lesson V

 Sharing information and digital contents


    • The use of visual contents is key in every

communication plan. Social networks have gained

a great importance as communication channel to

the audience.

    • The visual contents is gaining importance to the

textual ones, and educational organization should

ensure generating and sharing visual contents

    • The number of contents on the web is constantly growing.

    • Many of these contents are educational and have a great value, but not

all of them, and not all of them can be used.

    • When talking about educational resources or content it is important:

        • To know how to search

        • To know reliable sources

        • To understand the licenses in order to know if the  contents can be reused and the degree to which it can be modified, mixed, etc.

        • To know how to share and what tools can be used to do so

        • To know how to protect and share our own content

Sharing content

There are different ways:

    • E-mail

    • Social Networks

    • Specific content curation tools

Open Educational Resources (OER)

The 5 Rs of Open, users should be able to:

    Reuse – use content from others (ex. in a class, on a website, in a video, in a presentation, in

a group work, …)

    Revise – adapt, adjust, modify, or edit the content (ex. translate the content, use part of the

content and add more information)

    Remix – combine the original or revised content with other open content to create

something new (ex. cresate a mashup)

    Redistribute – share copies (ex. Upload a copy in your blog, share in your social networks,

send in an e-mail. …)

    Retain – make, own, and control copies of the content

Why Open Educational Resources?

Benefits for Students

    • Increased affordability of education: If students can access a resource more easily

    • Affords greater flexibility: more accessible learning materials that have been specifically tailored to a specific course fosters a positive learning experience and provides the flexibility that students expect in the digital era.

Benefits for Instructors

    • Why re-invent the wheel? Reusing existing OERs frees up time that can be spent on other aspects of the teaching and learning process. 

    • Raising profile: can help raise the instructor’s profile and impact.

    • Greater flexibility in course design: OERs can be integrated into both face-to-face and online course

    • Internationalization: OERs contribute to a global knowledge commons supporting international development.
